Thread: Discrimination
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Old 01-31-2004, 11:23 PM   #101
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 12,486
Originally posted by FelinesAreFine
Just because you posted so many times on this site gives you the authority to bully people around? What kind of logic is that?
You stated that I can't accept people countering me and that I cannot debate. I pointed out that my 3 years and 6500 posts would prove you wrong. Not to mention, plenty of Cellarites would also say you're wrong.

I have no authority on the Cellar, other than my own forum. However, we do practice self-policing around here. You just joined 4 days ago, and have already resorted to insulting people and making false statements...keep that up and you'll either be ignored, not taken seriously or called out on it.

You obviously think Caucasians AND blacks are stupid because you keep quoting me when I already know what I've said. You needn't quote me to talk to me. Redundant, wouldn't you say? All of that could have been said without quoting.
Many people on the Cellar use the quote function to reply to particular parts of a person's post, as I am doing now with your last post here. I don't find it redundant at all, as I think it helps posts make more sense and flow better.

You started off horribly. You told me in your first post ever to me to not post a welcome message unless I posted to other people 10 times. Without so much as a "Hi! am sycamore and thank you for coming." And yes it was another quote. It was not a warm welcome. It was cold and lifeless.
What was the last line of my reply to your first post? Do you remember? Let me refresh your memory:

Originally posted by sycamore 1/27/2004
Nothing against you personally, FAF...welcome.
For the most part, it was a joke. Besides...I don't have the power to create that kind of rule, and I don't know if the vBulletin software can even be set up like that. I'm sorry if you didn't get the joke, but if you chose to take it personally, that's your problem.

Like I said, if you want to get your act together and debate AA, I'm all for it. But if you want to keep insulting folks and making ridiculous statements, then piss off.
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