Thread: Confession Time
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Old 10-19-2011, 11:41 AM   #302
a beautiful fool
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It's a short list, and it really was made quickly and as a joke. I was just trying to help her fit in. She reached out to me when she started to feel excluded, and I was trying to tell her not to take offense or worry overmuch about one persons opinion...

I'm not happy about her bringing it up in public, and using it as bait or leverage, but then again...I did write it and will own up to it. I am still trying to salvage the possibility of being friends with her privately. I love all of cyber family...even the ones on the asshole list. And it's tough to see friends fight with each other. It certainly seems improbable that she will be able to recover gracefully from this bloodbath, but I will still try to help her do that if I can.

Bri, you're not on the list. As I said, the omissions are the worst part of it. I forgot glatt too.

Monster is on all 3 lists. I'm on 2. So please, don't take it seriously.... It was but a jape.

And UT, I can't argue with your point. I really wish I could. I am trying to be more considerate of other people's perspective.... I think life has been bonking me over the head with that lesson lately. My history says that I am what you say, though. Remind me of this post if I should come down hard on a male newb?
There's a Shadow just behind me. Shrouding every step I take. Making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. _tool
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