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Old 10-01-2011, 01:24 PM   #14
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by JBKlyde View Post
you don't see animals who are homosexual.. and in case you haven't noticed sex is on of the things that's separates animals from humans.. humans are the only species who have sex for fun.. taking it to the extreme and having gay sex is just plain wrong in the nature of the animal kingdom. So what makes it right in the human race?? Honestly I don't know and don't care to know. It's S-T-U-P-I-D
Wiki link to show how widespread evidence is that you are WRONG. It's not a tiny footnote in a biologicial journal - it's a LONG article on Wikipedia about 24 species which are just cited as examples.

And no, of course Wiki is not a credible source. But I knew about lesbian tendencies in bonobo apes and gay giraffes (9/10 pairing are male/male) off the top of my head, so I figure the article leans towards accuracy.

Petter Bøckman, the scientific advisor of the exhibition Against Nature? in 2007, speculated that the true extent of the phenomenon may be much larger than was then recognized:

No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.
And that's just Wikipedia.
Imagine how much more WRONG you would be if I started looking for official scientific links.

Oh, at least now I get why gay sex is so very tempting that people need to be wary of it.
Sex for fun is humans enjoying themselves.
Take it to the extreme...? Gay sex apparently.
Gay sex = netrosex PLUS!
Yup, it's a temptation alright.

I don't know why gay people get out of bed at all!
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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