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Old 09-10-2011, 01:03 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I don't have plans to watch any of that stuff, but if it's still on all the channels by the time I'm ready to wind down at he end of the day in front of tv, I might catch some.

My wife and daughter are singing in a chorus tomorrow afternoon. They are singing a bunch of peace songs from around the world. I'll drop my son off at his 1st cub scout meeting of the year before I head over to hear their concert.

I'll probably make a trip to the grocery store in the morning.

I'm sure I'll reflect again on 9/11 tomorrow, but I have no desire to dwell on it. It's too depressing. The terrorists without question got exactly what they wanted. They provoked us into destroying our freedoms and our economy.
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