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Old 12-31-2001, 12:17 PM   #12
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally posted by MaggieL
You were under the msapprehension that what' s spoken in Quebec is the language spoken in France. :-) Castillian Spanish will get you funny looks in Mexico, too.
Tony, when you took French, were you taught the "true" French version? Or, what they speak in Canada (as is generally taught now)?

When I took Spanish in college, they stressed it was basically what you would hear in Mexico. For the most part, they were on target. From what I've seen, there are a few differences in the language, depending on what part of Latin American you're dealing with. Puerto Rican Spanish...that's a WHOLE new ballgame. Spanish in Spain seems to differ primarily in pronoun usage and idioms. Argentina seems to stay the closest to formal Spanish in this part of the world.
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