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Old 12-31-2001, 12:10 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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12/31: Buffalo snow

Of all the snow that feel in Buffalo - 7' of it in a few days, for you non USians - there were precious few pictures of it, probably due to the fact that most photographers are not basketball players. I even went to Buffalo web-cams to try to find images of the stuck city. What I saw there included a plowed parking lot, with asphalt peeking out under a very small sheet of packed snow, and a city street, plowed to one lane with asphalt peeking out under a very small sheet of packed snow.

That's very impressive, but not the stuff of the image of the day, and so we are left with the above. Which is impressive IMO, but kind of an anti-climax to the idea that somewhere there is a town so hard-hit that it is immobilized. Maybe some folks are having trouble, but Buffalo's ability to deal with the situation is what's most impressive. I wouldn't want to live there or anything, but don't worry about the folks who do - they can handle it.
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