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Old 01-22-2004, 11:26 PM   #14
When Do I Get Virtual Unreality?
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Raytown, Missouri
Posts: 12,719
One for our Texas friends...

A waspish Yankee and his beautiful young wife were vacationing in Texas. Driving along the Texas highway in their lumbering motor home on a scorching Texas day, the husband spied a man riding his horse off in the far, far distance.

"Oh, look honey! A cowboy! A real live cowboy!", he said, and quickly pulled the motor home over to the side of the road. He began honking the double airhorns on top while waving his arm out the window and yelling for the rider to come on over.

As he was a considerable distance away, it took the horseman quite some time to arrive at their vehicle. As he arrived, the couple came out of the RV and stood by the roadside.

"What can I do for ya'll?", he drawled. "You got some kind of trouble with this camper of yours?"

"No, no," replied the husband. "We just wanted to see a real live cowboy." The Texan was clearly miffed by this, since he had ridden so far out of his way, only to find a moronic Yankee who clearly wasn't in need of assistance.

"Well, then, guess I'll be leavin' now." He started to spin his horse around and go, when the Yankee man yelled out "Wait! Wait! I heard you Texas cowboys were real tough. You don't look so tough to me."

The cowboy eyed them for a moment, then slid down off his horse. He moved to stand toe to toe with the tourist, towering over him intimidatingly.

"We are tough, son," he said. "In fact, we're so tough, that right now, I'm gonna give you a demonstration. I'm gonna grab that cute little wife of yours, yank down her panties, and do her right here on the side of the road. And you know what else? While I'm doing her, you're gonna hold my balls up out of the sand until I'm done."

And with that, the Texan did exactly as he'd promised, and the Yankee did what he was told. When the cowboy was done, he turned without a word, buckling his jeans as he walked back to his horse, leaped astride without even grabbing the saddle horn, and rode away.

The couple dusted themselves off, silently got into their motor home and drove on back down the highway.

All was quiet for awhile, until finally, the husband looks over at his wife and says "You know what? I think that cowboy was a little bit afraid of me."

"What!? What the hell do you mean, he was *afraid* of you? Are you nuts?!! He screwed me, and you held his balls while he did it!!!"

"Well, yeah, I think he was afraid of me. I mean, I dropped his balls in the sand twice, and he never once said a word about it..."
"To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off." - Robert Moog
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