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Old 08-02-2011, 03:15 PM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Mildly irritating me today?

Well, it's been building up. I'm supposed to be going on vacation starting on Monday, but it's still kind of up in the air. We're trying to get my father-in-law moved into a nursing home nearby from several states away, and are still going through the application process. I was hoping to have him all situated before heading off on vacation, but he hasn't even finished his application yet. He might not get in, and we might have to look elsewhere. Plus work is getting really busy. I can probably swing getting free for vacation, but I won't be able to relax because so much will be hanging over me while I'm gone.

So I'm thinking of cancelling the trip. I'll know in the next few days. At least everything is easy to cancel. We were just going to visit relatives and go camping and hiking. The kids will be disappointed though.

Maybe I'll just postpone it or shorten it or something. I don't like it when I'm not able to control my plans.
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