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Old 08-02-2011, 02:41 PM   #7052
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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Oh many...

Pilster, Mr P., Pilau Poppet, Pilau Brown Bread, Muffin, muppet, Baby boy, sweetie pie, beastie bum, The pudster, Pud, pudding, Pilau pudding. My very own brahn baby (fast show ;p). And sometimes I tell him he's my beautiful beardie with long brown hair (which is a bastardisation of a Smack the Pony sketch). Oh yeah, and sometimes I call him Poor Pilau of the Poorly Paw.

I use show quotes a lot with him. Like sometimes I'l tell him: I am your mummy. I will always be your mummy (from DoctorWho, The Empty Child).

I talk to him a lot. I tell him he's my little wolf. My little wolf in lamb's clothing. I tell him that it's not right when people say he' a bad dog...they don't understand. It's not easy being Brown. And it's so unfair when peoplecast aspersions because, at the end of the day, he's just doin' his doggy best, as he understands it, with his doggy brain, and nobody, nobody could ask any more o fhim than that.

This is the sort of shit I am saying to him whilst stroking him :p

Oh yeah, and I tell him he's a good dog. A clever dog, and so polite. Never raises his voice, never shouts. He's just really, really good, and really really quiet. And that's why everybody loves Pilau. They all love Pilau, 'cause he's so good.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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