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Old 01-20-2004, 10:52 PM   #46
Not aging gracefully.
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 530
Well, I'm not a big artsy-fartsy person. I know what *I* like and what *I* don't like and that's about it. What I get out of the so-called art display is ... well, that doesn't really matter.

The ambassador was a dork for throwing his planned tantrum inside the museum and destroying the display. He could have stood outside with a protest sign or something if he felt so strongly against it, but knowing that he'd get away with destroying the displayed, he probably thought he'd feel better by physically damaging it as opposed to standing outside with a sign.

Anyhoo, some think he's a fucking idiot for doing it, some don't. Who cares. That is simply the opinion of that individual. Just like it is the individual's opinion as to whether it should even be considered art or not.

Now, what I find to be the most offensive thing in this whole thread is the comment made by Paranoid that "... I also think that terrorism is a form of free speech and should be respected, even if not protected."

WTF are you talking about? This has got to be the most fucking stupid thing I've ever heard. Are you trying to tell me that *I* should respect some dumb fuck piece of shit that blows up buildings, killing thousands because his actions are a form of "Free Speech" used as a means to get his fucked up ideas/beliefs across to others? If you are too stupid to realize it, let me inform you that "Free Speech" by no means entails killing people as a way to get your point across. Terrorism is terrorism (vastly different from "Free Speech") and should be neither respected, nor protected; but rather punished and denied.

So, lay off the cheap crack and get a fucking clue while you're at it.
You can't catch me...don't even try...go do something else...see ya next year.

Mama Loves You Baby Girl ~ May You Rest In Peace
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