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Old 07-22-2011, 08:21 AM   #704
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Mildly amusing me today is that some friends of ours were wondering yesterday why their house was so warm. They though their air conditioner wasn't working right or something. The wife mentioned it to the husband who reminded her that it was her fault. She had signed up at a farmer's market in the spring to be a family that lets the power company control their air conditioning on these hottest days of the year in order to avoid brown outs. She's very "green" and also you save a few bucks each month on your power bill if you let the power company have that control. It wasn't until this week that she really understood exactly what control she was giving up.

She had been talking it up in the spring and had my wife all convinced we should do it, too, but I was like "wtf? Why should we let the power company turn our AC off on the days that we need it most?"

So anyway, I heard all this, and now this friend is posting on facebook that we should all set our AC a few degrees warmer to take a little load off the grid. It's a good point, but I think she's just trying to get others to join her in misery.
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