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Old 01-14-2004, 12:00 AM   #1
no one of consequence
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 2,839
01/14/04: Funny things my wife says to me when she's asleep

"I really like that shirt."

"What shirt?"

"You know, the striped shirt."

"What striped shirt?"

"You know, the striped shirt! It looks really good on you."

"No, I don't know. What in the fuck are you talking about??"

"The shirt you're wearing!!"

::said deadpan:: "I'm not wearing a shirt."

"Shut the fuck up".

"I'm sorry there are sacrifices in this tape recorder".

(to that, I elected to say nothing)

And then there was the time when she went on and on about how she was glad that I bought the controller. Upon my prodding, "What controller?", she eventually responded, "The playstation controller!". When I responded that we didn't own a playstation, she grew extremely confused, mumbled angrily, and went back to sleep.
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