Thread: Idiot sightings
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Old 05-16-2011, 03:51 PM   #125
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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And a defense attorney is never going to open the question of the truthfulness of that police report or look for witnesses shopping that day who can be subpoenaed.

They didn't need to lie. The cop didn't need to falsify a police report. The bad guy had a knife, and the marines defended themselves. Lying about it is just stupid and is much more likely to come back and haunt them. The cop is putting his career on the line by falsifying that report. He better hope no witnesses come forward. Sounds like a lot of people were there with that toys for tots program going one. I bet someone filmed it on their cell phone.

And honestly, as much as it's nice to see the bad guy get an ass kicking, breaking that many bones is just overkill. It's like $5K to treat each broken bone, and you know he doesn't have insurance, so we're all paying for that.
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