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Old 05-06-2011, 01:20 AM   #131
Colonist Extraordinaire
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Redondo Beach, CA (transplant from St. Louis, MO)
Posts: 218
You know, it is possible for grown adults to hear or read a news story and formulate an opinion based solely on facts without having been "manipulated."

Did you bother to read the article I linked to right there in the OP? If you had, you would have found differing opinions on the issue being represented by Democrats in the house, one of whom said:
But, Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), whose district includes the Pentagon, said he didn’t have a problem with the GOP decision.

“That’s their call,” he said. “It doesn’t make a whole lot of difference whether we vote for a resolution or not. I’m sure the military knows how supportive of them and how proud of them we all are.”
So tell me, was he, or the writer of the piece trying to "manipulate" me into thinking it was no big deal?

Jesus FUCK you've got some raging assholes on this forum. Perhaps my time away was best left that way.

Sorry guys, I'm outta here again. This isn't the kind of political debate I was seeking out. This is just plain rudeness, and frankly, I have no desire to put up with it.

Peace, Out.
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