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Old 05-02-2011, 06:46 AM   #21
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
We have a beer tent at the May Fayre!
They sell lager, bitter, cider, Pimms and wine.

There is a pub at the end of the road the school is on, and they bring an outside bar. I understand - I may be wrong - the school charges them a flat fee, as on a hot day it's a real draw for Dads and encourages them to spend more money elsewhere!
It's a good deal for the pub anyway, as they also give away promotional vouchers. This encourages family diners (who are valuable) who see the pub every day but might not think to eat there because they associate it with the school run.

It's not seen as any different to having an ice cream van at the Fayre. Although they are forbidden (I think by law?) to ply their trade near the school at any other time.

The BBQ & hotdogs and soft drinks are all run by the PTA as fundraisers of course.

ETA - Monster! No bottle Tombola?!
Years 2 and 6 traditionally supply these prizes, although Muslim/ teetotal families are assured they can bring any other items in.
It's something to see a 10 year old walking into the office insouciantly carrying a bottle of Baileys or a four-pack of Stella.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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