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Old 04-30-2011, 08:29 AM   #2
Operations Operative
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 495
Conservative rules for debate:

1) if anyone disagrees with you, they are a "Democrat" (or Demoncrat)

2) if anyone argues with you, they are a "Liberal" (or mouthpiece for Obama)

3) if they argue with you and actually present data (formerly known as
"debating"), shrug it off as "propaganda from the Liberal Media" ( is acceptable, NY Times is not)

4) if you cannot rebut the argument pick on details such as
misspellings,improper punctuation or taglines (or go directly to name calling)

5) If your opponent has an unrefutable argument, change the subject ( (or just blame Obama and the Democratic Congress of the last two years for everything that happened since 2001)

6) if your opponent consistently overturns your "correct" stories (anything
told by Rush Limbaugh), use ad hominem attacks. (claim you dont listen to Limbaugh or Beck despite using their attack talking points)

7) anyone who puts life over profits is a "tree hugger"

8) anyone who refutes or debates "correct" science (Creationism, Ecological
Stability) is a "sky-is-falling" reactionary

9) anyone who opposes the melding of religion and government is one of the
"liberals" who helped create the rampant immorality today

10) any federal program created by a Democrat, or that "looks" Democratic
is "socialistic".

11) dismantling programs and restrictions on spending then sending the
money to states as a "block grant" is better than having a standardized
Federal program with rules

12) giving tax money to People is "enslaving them", giving tax money to
Corporations is "making jobs" (raise the specter of zero sum voters)

13) anything that does not turn a profit for private corporations is "an
elitist" operation

14) always take everything personally (claim you are being characterized as a racist)

15) whatever your weakness is, blame it on your opponent

16) the more narrow and prejudiced your sources, the more you project that
onto your opponent

17) when your opponent attacks a Republican/conservative President's
policies, blame them on a Democratic Congress (or vice versa)

18) when quoting your opponent, edit his words to conform to "correctness"

19) anyone who reads anything beyond "the Limbaugh Letter" is an "ivory
tower intellectual"

20) when all else fails, lie
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