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Old 04-26-2011, 06:57 PM   #6751
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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I haven't created dropdowns, but it does an auto type when I get so far into the word if it's a word or hrase I have already used.

The trouble is that there isn't really a consistency within the source material. There are repeating patterns, but for instance, the same regiment might be listed as 33rd Foot, or 33rd Regiment of Foot, or theymay appear as 1st Battalion, 33rd Regiment of Foot, etc. Likewise trials may be held at Sunderland, or at Sunderland Barracks. Or they may be held at Uptown Camp Jamaica, or just Jamaica.

Similarly, the sentences can be written differently: so, three months solitary confinement and put under stoppages, or three months in solitary confinement & put on stoppages. Where I am transcribing, rather than adding a 1 to a column (crime types and against whom, guilty, acquitted) I am trying to be exact. I may end up rationalising them at the end, at which point dropdowns would be useful. Until I know what else I am going to come across, and what permutations of regimental and company names, I think I have to just type :p
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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