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Old 04-25-2011, 07:33 AM   #14
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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I've certainly considered moving, but that's an expense I can't really take on right now either.

Some changes are going on at my old job. I talked to my sis-in-law and her best friend yesterday, both fairly biggy-wiggy at the place, and mentioned I'd come back if certain changes occurred.

I was about 5 minutes from work back then. The pay raise was indeed worth it, when I left, even considering gas and wear and tear on the car. Now, it's not only way more expensive, it's soul-sucking.

It's been raining for weeks. Nothing but accidents on my commute, every day.

I am tired of the commute. Tired of the traffic. Tired of the city.

p.s. I exaggerated on my commute, it's more like 60 miles a day (was thinking minutes as miles, which would be true except for a large portion of the drive all traffic is going about about 20-30 miles per hour, then stopping, then starting...more wear and tear than a straight shot unencumbered by thousands of people and interminable construction.) Of course, I do drive other places too.
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