Thread: Dieting...
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Old 04-22-2011, 08:36 AM   #26
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Getting wholegrain rather than white bread and rice is also a biggie. Same with pasta. Most white flour has been processed in such a way as to strip most of the nutrients from it. It's one of the things that allows for longer product storage (makes it unpalatable for weavils for one thing ;p). So, as Clod says, you can physically fill up on it by making your stomach override the brain, but you'll quickly feel hungry again. You won't find that nearly as much if you stick to the less processed wholegrain/brown varieties of cereal and grain foods (aside from the benefits of natural dietary fibre).

I'm trying to eat healthier at the moment. I can't say I am entirely successful thus far. I haven't quite managed to remove the sweets and biscuits and cakes from my diet...but I find if I make myself have fruit as a snack the first time I want something sweet, I can stave off the dangerous stuff til later, and therefore end up eating far less of it.
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