Thread: Dieting...
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Old 04-21-2011, 08:50 PM   #20
Thats "Miss Zipper Neck" to you.
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Originally Posted by Clodfobble View Post
I'm sure this is probably a given, but I have to ask just to be sure... you and the boyfriend are totally, completely, for sure broken up now right? Because this is definitely the sort of decision that could lead to more weight gain, you know?
No....we're still dating. I just couldn't live with him anymore, the instability was too much.
Dating/living with him was a big factor in the weight gain I think. I drank a lot more alcohol, started drinking sodas again (I had not been drinking them for a few years), and was always eating out ect. Living with my sis should cut down on all of that. I am still sick a lot though. I've been going on regular walks with my dog since I got her, so I get light exercise, but alas I have no stairs.
The problem with cutting down on calories, is the hunger, I just don't deal with it well. I'm like my dad, I get extremely cranky, shaky and weak. Thats why I was thinking of using something like HCG that is supposed to help with that. The warnings are just kinda scary, ya know? My sis in law tried it, but then again she does all the fad diets whether she really needs to or not.
Baring using an aid like that, I at least need a tool to help me plan my meals at least. I am not a very organized person. I mean, I try now, but I can't ever make up my mind and end up spending way too much money and time at the store.

I think I can maintain after I lose it, I've never been even close to being this heavy in my life.
Addicts may suck dick for coke, but love came up with the idea to put a dick in there to begin with.
-Jack O'Brien
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