Thread: The New Rude
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Old 04-21-2011, 05:25 AM   #17
still says videotape
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Originally Posted by Glinda View Post
I am as amazed as I am disheartened by the whole thing. What is this weird need/compulsion to be connected 24/7 to every damned person/place/thing that happens in the world?

I don't get it. Don't people have anything else to do with their time? With their minds?

I have a very basic cell phone that I never turn on; it's there for emergencies only. God forbid I should ever have an emergency way out here in the hinterlands, because the damned thing usually doesn't pick up a signal with all the trees and mountains and whatnot out here. I don't even like the regular land-line - I'll often let the machine answer just because I can't stand phones in general.

I have no Blackberry, no Ipad, no kindle, no whateverthefuckelsethereis, and have absolutely zero interest in obtaining such things.

Twitter? Please. What a colossal waste of time and energy (except, as we've seen on occasion, in national emergency type situations, where internet use has been suspended by some crazy dictator type, and the world needs to know that people are being mowed down in the streets).

I don't belong to any "social networks" and resist any and every attempt made to suck me into that useless vortex.

I do have a computer that I use in the mornings to check my email for incoming work (pet sitting jobs, proofreading jobs, editing jobs, etc.); for entertainment purposes, I might spend half an hour or so perusing a few message boards (always much more reading than posting).

IF I have writing jobs, I'll sit in front of this thing all day, but if there's no money involved, I'd rather be doing pretty much ANYthing other than "friending" people or sending completely worthless messages out to the entire world that "I'm standing in line at the grocery store right now."

I. Just. Don't. Get. It.

And I'm perfectly fine with that.
Similar, I think its got something to do with our chicken flocks. (Turkeys next btw)
If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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