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Old 04-20-2011, 08:12 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Brest (FRANCE)
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I took the time to read the BBC article. I can see where these guys have a problem. Yet, as disabilites go, this guy can still operate in society. He is not confined to a wheelchair or a bed.

I am male, 42 and have never married. As far as I know, there's no genetic disorder in my family. Therefore, I can only speak as a hypothetic parent.

Nonetheless, should a disability be detected in utero for one of my future children, I'll take the advice of doctors very seriously.

Not because of the society but for the child. I'm now in good health but in the natural order of things I should die before my children. In the case of an extreme disability, who will take care of that child when I became unable to do it? Will there be suffering?

It is very possible that a lot of people won't agree with me, but, yes, I would consider abortion. Of course, that decision, one way or another, would be reached after discussion with my wife and the doctors.

And that's not eugenics. This is a choice, a difficult one either way, but a choice. Eugenics is enforced, so that's not choice.

Also, please remember that I'm French and that our views on abortion are different from the US point of view.
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