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Old 04-19-2011, 05:35 PM   #28
Master Dwellar
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post
There's a limit, but I think that if there is mutual respect and one is not clingy and jealous, it can work. Not forever, the goal should be to eventually be "together" but that goal can't be borne to a person who always has to have 'someone, ANYONE' lest their self-esteem go careening down a mountain.

Certainly, it takes a certain type of person. It takes a certain type of relationship work. I don't see this kind of work always being done with people who see each other every day (and sometimes want to strangle each other.) Proximity doesn't guarantee a damn thing. People can still cheat, can still ignore and disrespect.

As to open relationships, my feeling is why bother? Either you're committed to a person or you're not. Again, it's that having to HAVE SOMEONE or you feel like less.

Half of marriages end in divorce. Half the other half ends in murder, or at least the murder of the qualities that make a person an individual. I don't see why long distance can't work, when people agree upon goals and support each other in the hard times. Gee, just like "real" relationships. The hard part is missing being held when you cry, or seeing the smile on their face. THAT is where it takes a certain type of person.

Most couldn't do it. They possess not the balls.

For your dreams to come true, you must first have a dream.
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