Thread: About Abuse
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Old 04-17-2011, 09:24 PM   #53
Thats "Miss Zipper Neck" to you.
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: little town (but not the littlest) in texas
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Personally I don't like this thread, I think its in bad taste and anon is trying to get support to gang up on IM and Monnie. I like both of them, most of the time, sometimes a poster (not just those two) will attack another poster in a way/reason I just don't understand. I like sarcasm, and I think I can tell when a poster is being sarcastic, but when I see personal attacks they make me less likely to post my own opinion because I know I would not be able to shrug it off if I were attacked that way and would turn my own kind of nasty. I'm just too much of a coward to handle that, and part of the reason why I have not been a prolific poster lately. I think we might not know each other as well as we think and have filled in the gaps in facts we have about other posters with our own perceptions. I kinda wish we could all reset our personal biases and grudges we have against one another that we've developed over our long time posting here. In fact, I will make it my goal to do that.
Addicts may suck dick for coke, but love came up with the idea to put a dick in there to begin with.
-Jack O'Brien
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