Thread: About Abuse
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Old 04-17-2011, 05:39 AM   #3
We have to go back, Kate!
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
What's the difference between this and the 'self policing' thread?
I think there's a significant difference, aside from the anonymity angle. The self-policing thread was about a number of combatants and the effect their combat was starting to have. This thread is about a single side in a conflict.

Whilst I sympathise with the OP for feeling bullied, I cannot help but think that this thread is no more than an attempt to redirect the Cellar's energies into bullying someone else.

This is a community, but it is also an open forum on the internet. Robust exchanges, and sporadic feuding is the norm. We all lock onto things in the Cellar. When I return to see what's new in the forums I am particularly scanning for threads I have been involved in. If the same is true during a bout of 'feuding' it can seem like stalking. Added to that is the constant temptation in forum communication to go for the laugh and the jugula in equal measure. We all do it sometimes, I suspect. It is more than possible for someone to 'accidentally' bully another in text.

Which is one very good reason for having moderators.

If any dwellar genuinely feels they are being bullied or intimidated by another dwellar, we have moderators who can be contacted. A couple of PMs between 'bullied' and moderator, and then a couple of PMs between moderator and 'bully' should be enough, in most instances to cool things down. Chances are the 'bully' has no idea that some of their words have hit hard.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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