Thread: Say Goodnight
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Old 04-16-2011, 10:11 AM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,622
I really am going to have to get to London sometime (encouraged by Dana's post)

Just finished 2 weeks of relative manicness-after 3 months of mostly extreme cruisiness, I was out of practice with being busy).

I caught the local, very much not recommended local bus to work today (mantra from all workmates, local and expat-is watch your bag, be careful, don't take that particular kind of bus) when I discovered that I only had 2000 Rupiah in my wallet (the equivalent of about 20 cents) and no nearby ATMS which would solve the problem for me. Then, after a relaxed couple of hours of testing, went to a handicrafts exhibition sale of amazing stuff from lengths of batik material to quilt covers and then a really good dinner at a 24 hour place which serves all the major cuisines (usually this kind of place doesn't do any kind of food well as they're trying to cover everything). Knackered now after getting up at 5 a.m. yesterday and working pretty much 9-9 (once again, out of practice) so off to bed. Night.
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