Thread: Board Games
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Old 04-16-2011, 05:50 AM   #67
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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We used to play a game called Dark Tower. Obsessively, marathon all day sessions sometimes.
It was a cross between a board game, a fantasy game and a "computer" game, although all the computer really was, was an electronic way of putting a random element in.

I didn't realise, but Dads had the game from early November, and learned all the rules, and painted all the figures. This meant we hit the ground running at Christmas, and could play as a family. Also, when a schoolfriend raved about the game after playing it for hours at our house, her Mum bought it for her. Imagine all our surprise when the brightly painted pieces (especially the dragon) were just plain plastic!

She barely played it - the adults in her house weren't interested so it was only ever a two player game with her brother. Nowhere near as much fun.

I love Scattergories, but once I moved away from my peer group I didn't get as many opportunities to play it. Not because my new group of friends didn't like games, but because they perceived it as my special game which I only wanted to play because I won. Which wasn't true - I simply loved it.

I had another one which in the end NO-ONE would play with me, for the same reason. It was called Evolution (I think) and it was all about the origins of words and phrases. I was accused of memorising all the cards. Bollocks. Yes, I did learn a lot from the game, but it was only through playing it, and the fact I found it fascinating. But yes, I always did win. Gave it to a charity shop in the end.

I also liked Pass the Bomb but found few takers. Word games, all. Hated Risk or any other games of strategy Liked Monopoly because you could bumble about and rely on luck.

BTW - how come Shawnee AND IM get to appear on the Cellar Monopoly board? It's a monopoly! Can we have Dana in the pink if IM gets to be in the brown? Although Dana should really be somewhere more serious and worthy. Pink, anyway - what part of the board is that? Are you thinking of burgundy - Pall Mall, Whitehall and Northumberland Avenue?

And no, I have no idea why rent on Piccadilly was £22. Please explain.
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