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Old 01-06-2004, 12:21 PM   #14
When Do I Get Virtual Unreality?
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Raytown, Missouri
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If you were my daughter, I would have to evaluate the situation very thoroughly. I'd probably know how emotionally mature and self-responsible you were already, so I'd concentrate on the 19 year old intended. He would have to be pretty damn special before I would even consider allowing you to date.

Historically, my experience with 19 year old males isn't positive enough for me to even imagine that I'd let one date my 14 year old daughter. And I do tend to agree with a lot of what the others have said here...why in hell is this guy even interested in a 14 year old?
"To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off." - Robert Moog
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