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Old 04-09-2011, 08:07 AM   #6
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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I should go back to Aylesbury Museum.

I will go on a good day and take a picture of the garden, it is very lovely. I nearly wrote "grounds" (because it is a public building) but that would give competely the wrong impression. It's in the old, very cramped part of town - the part the 60s councillors didn't get round to bulldozing because of lack of funds - so it's not much more than some of your back yards. But it's old and walled and has mature fruit trees, and holds the sunlight beautifully.

Oh and of course I should see the museum again.
we used to go at least twice a year when I was a child.
I expect a lot to have changed since then.
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