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Old 03-30-2011, 10:08 PM   #79
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Savannah, Georgia
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Originally Posted by Bullitt View Post
Public safety workers rarely have the option to choose go or don't go. If there are reports of people in a burning building, even if its some drug addict rapist, we go. Even if the call is for a bad neighborhood where ambulances get broken into for morphine during calls and medics get shot at, and you beat the cops there, we go. Medics in east Cleveland get issued body armor. We're called to act, so we act. Holding our services hostage to force change is immoral at best.
So please tell us. Eliminate this portion fo the the discussion.

1. Do YOU HAVE A CHOICE to join the Union or not?

2. Do YOU HAVE Card Check when you join, to agree to divert your income to a Union PAC or not? Do you really have a choice?

I completely respect what you do but be honest. If a new worker came in and said, "fuck that, I do not want to be part of the union, and I do not want my due to go to the Demoncratic Party." Could they do that without peer pressure or someone preventing them from full participation in the collective bargaining agreement?

I do not want you to take sides. I only want your honest answers.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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