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Old 03-23-2011, 05:20 PM   #11
to live and die in LA
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Originally Posted by Pete Zicato View Post
Cool. Keyboard?
Actually, it was a bizarre session. The producer didn't book a proper band, she just hired people she thought it would be cool to hang out with. Then, when it came time to record the parts, whoever was closest and / or could fumble their way through on the instrument grabbed it and played it.

I ended up playing keyboards, nylon string guitar, percussion, singing background vocals, and writing string parts.

Because it was Disney (Buena Vista), it was a union session, which means you get paid an extra session rate for each new instrument you play. It was the best paying session of my life, ever.

Then ... they ended up cutting the song from the movie! It was released on the soundtrack and on the DVD, but not in the theatrical release.

You gotta love movie budgets, where they can afford to blow $50k on a song, then NOT use it! Those of us over on the music side of the industry can barely manage to scrape together $50k to make a whole album these days.
to live and die in LA
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