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Old 01-01-2004, 04:37 PM   #10
no one of consequence
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Arkansas
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I see the reaction I'm getting, and I guess maybe I came off the wrong way. I'll give you some examples of what brings about my misplaced poor attitude (which I will try to curb).

See, I WANT advice. It's interesting and useful. However, 95% of all the advice I'm getting is so terrible. For example, people are telling me that you should let kids "comfort themselves" or "cry themselves to sleep", even when they are only 7 weeks old. Otherwise, they won't become independent (even though research shows the complete opposite).

They say that if I hold Sarah too often, I'll "spoil her" or that when I respond to her cries quickly, she's "manipulating me" (at 8 weeks old!) -- even though any minimal amount of research would show the complete opposite.

They also say that at 7-8 weeks old I should put mashed up rice cereal into her milk to let her sleep better, even though they're not supposed to have solid foods until 6 months. At least three different families have told me this, even though all my research on the internet says the complete opposite. I am not really so certain of my correctness on this one, but I suspect that it is a widely held-myth.

So, much of people's advice (apart from the initial subject of this thread) just seems to me to be completely ludicrous.

As far as the pacifier deal, keep in mind that there is not always a right way to do things. How you do things may be completely different from how another parent does things. In the case of a child crying, some things are better than others.
This seems to be the best motto for the whole deal. Kids are all wildly different, so different styles must be employed.

This is probably poorly written, but alas, I've got to get to work. :)
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