Thread: Say Goodnight
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Old 03-18-2011, 07:10 PM   #5
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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So....been bobbing about London a few times now on these here research trips, but mostly I've stayed in outer areas (Richmond, Brentwood, a night in Chelsea). This time I'm at King's Cross. Right near the station. because I usually end up with a couple of hours between checkout and train, I've already explored the immediate surroundings of the station on previous trips, so I felt pretty comfortable with it when I got here.

I've been here since monday evening, and I have completely fallen in love with London. Always liked it. Now it's under my skin.

I just got really bad munchies. So popped out to McDonalds, through the hordes of revellers and travellers and other assorted peeps. It's midnight on a Friday and the place is totallly buzzing. As a smoker, I end up popping out several times an evening, and well into the night if i am awake. At no point, even after 3am have I been outside and seen stillness. It ain;t busy then, but sure isn't still.

What's brilliant though, is that I was just wearing my tracksuit and trainers and didn't feel out of place or conspicuous. On a friday night, when anywhere else, you'd look really out of place if you weren't dressed up, or trendily down, for partying. It's the only reason anybody would be out at that time. *

So...just wanted to share that little snippet. Am now off to bed. G'night.

* eta by anywhere else, I mean towns. And villages. Manchestuh is probably the same in some parts and the student areas of most cities will have that vibe on a Friday. But there's a strange intensity to that vibe around here. And yet also very relaxed. I honestly have never felt safer on a town or city street at night than I do here, and yet with a pleasantly edgy undercurrent.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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