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Old 12-31-2003, 10:08 AM   #106
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Originally posted by zippyt
.Bruce , Cool that you would help out a friend with the chair lift . That my friend is functional art , but that is a little ass motor with plastic gears ????? Garage door openers was a good choice to work with , they have all the right stuff for some thing like that , but i would have used both motors and gear boxes . Why didn't you ??? Double redundency and all that .
K.I.S.S. is the best policy, always.
I bought 2 openers because they were only $150 each and I didn't know if 1 would do it until I got into tailoring it to her.
I measured her butt to determine how big to make the seat then the size of the seat determined how close it could be to the wall and still swivel. Even after she could make it up the stairs on her own, she'd use it at the end of the day or to carry the laundry. When it wasn't needed anymore, I removed it and she removed me.
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