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Old 02-10-2011, 02:02 AM   #14
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Oh dear. Seems I am to be the sole voice in support of it.
It's not intended to shock and scare drivers, nor to get them to slam on their brakes.
It's a poignant reminder of why speed limits are imposed.

It's well advertised and promoted and in a single location, not popping up all over the place unannounced. It's like a billboard in effect, but on the road not by the side. A 2D image serves as an advertisment. It's the difference between driving past a poster of a scantily clad woman and just being aware of it, and actually seeing her beside the road with all her clothing falling off and her boobies about to become bare - not THAT might affect your driving.

I'm all for anything that encourages people to see the reality behind traffic laws and traffic calming measures. The amount of parents I see driving to school every day in a way which endangers other children - turning with no indicators, trying to beat the lights, pulling over in restricted areas, looking at/ talking on their mobile phones (even in high risk areas like right outside the school for FSM's sake!) Speed limits are not just pointless bureauocracy by The Man to curtail freedom. They save lives.

I'm not saying this decal is the perfect solution, but I am certainly more pro than against.
Anyone want to wager whether the dire prophecies of the Cellar will come true...? I'll put a fiver on it
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