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Old 02-08-2011, 06:08 PM   #6396
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As I have posted about before, I have been without a car for almost 2 years now when my incredibly worthless, very ex-boyfriend decided to get drunk to the gills and take my car for a spin. He ended up spinning it completely off the road and crashing it beyond repair. I have been unable to afford another car and have been bumming rides off friends every since.


Saturday I got a letter in the mail from my bank about the interest my IRA earned in 2010. Huh? I don't have an IRA. But actually I really do. It has been sitting forlornly from 1985 to now, collecting interest and completely forgotten by me.

The bank never had my correct address until a couple of months ago when I opened up a small savings account there. I and the IRA have now been re-united, and it will give me the money I need to buy myself a car. I won't have to depend on some squirelly friend from the past to pay me back the money he owes. I can just go out and buy the vehicle I need without the help of anyone else.


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