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Old 02-03-2011, 10:53 AM   #1
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Actually, Florida bumped the post, and TBH, I read the thread through from the beginning and didn't look at the date. The argument to me seemed very relavent to right now, and had no real commentary that "dated" the posts to alert me that it was older than perhaps a week.

And since you're being a dick, I'll just mention that a few years ago, I really liked your style, and generally agreed with you on things. You weren't so ... mean spirited. So quick to anger, frustration and annoyance. Then I went away and came back, and went away and came back, and I'm now I'm noticing with "fresh" eyes the way things have changed here. It's not just this post, which was, in fact, a fuck up on my part for not looking at the date. You really didn't HAVE to respond like you did, but you chose to come at me that way for no fucking reason. What have I done to you to warrant such a response?

I hadn't noticed Radar was long gone, because again, I've been gone for some time as well, but then again, I didn't bump the thread.

My bad.

So, sorry that I didn't check the dates.

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