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Old 01-30-2011, 09:44 AM   #59
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Bottom lands of the Missoula floods
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Funding of schools is a very important issue,
but that was not what originally made me angry,
or what subsequent news has increased my aggravation.

There's enough ambiguity in the legal situation to call for someone
in authority to exercise at lease a small bit of discretion.

* The district could have simply refused to admit the kids in the next semester.
Period. And it becomes Mom's problem to resolve

* The district could have deemed the two girls live in the father's home.
Period. End. Done.

* The "receiving district" could receive reimbursement from the "sending" district.
Period. End. Done.

* The D.A. could have reduced the charges to misdemeanors with a fine to be set by the judge.
Period. End. Done.

* The justice authorities could have released the Mom,
on bail or her own recognisance, not 10 days in jail
The bad PR starts and grows from this.

I think the trial judge tried to deal to act with modicum of wisdom.
Whatever misdeed the Mom may have committed, it does not meet my sniff test
for a $30,000 fee, for jail time, or for a permanent felony blot on her record.
I hope the she appeals and can get the conviction overturned or expunged from her record.

This case continues to look like covert racial and/or class bigotry.
If not, it demonstrates incompetence along the entire chain of authorities, except the judge.
And I don't believe Ohio's bad PR will be overcome until someone fixes the situation.
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