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Old 01-19-2011, 05:53 PM   #9
Number 2 Pencil
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
I think smug and happy would be a better choice.

Sorry you've had a rough time, but happy you were able to find something to blame it on that wasn't physically attached... that gets messy.
It is messy anyways, and I don't blame my issues completely on religion, it really was me, it was just that my strict religious beliefs were a contributing factor. (did I come across as smug?) Seeds of doubt I have plenty of already, the only way to explore issues is to talk about them. Sometimes I believe in a creating god, sometimes not so much- usually not so much. Religions on the other hand I tend to seriously doubt, some more than others, but nothing is ever certain.

The issue of kids would be a can of worms, though neither of us plan to have any and are taking precautions, but who knows for the future if one will come up. If one did my in-laws would become a bigger issue and it would probably come out that I am not a christian anymore. Some of them are strongly Baptist and it may cause some division. The manner to raise the child would be the bigger issue, and it would take a great deal of discussion and compromise on both our parts.
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But a dream within a dream? -Poe
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