Thread: liquor flask
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Old 01-17-2011, 06:55 PM   #16
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,293
BigV: The sleeve and the "shot glass" cap design would've made the Nalgene perfect for me except it's too big. That's a real shame because I like everything about it, including the color. I only want something that holds about 6 oz. or so. You guys are gonna to find me silly but I want to get a flask to store water. That's right, plain H20. It's to put in my purse or such for times when I desperately need water to down some pain killers or when I'm extremely dehydrated. Why not buy a bottle of water, you ask? I have absolutely no bladder, metorphorically speaking, of course. Needing to use the restroom on the road or when I'm not home is extremely inconvenient. That's why I want something small to tuck in my purse when I'm on the road or in my tote when I'm at meetings or such. A bottle of water is heavy and takes up space.

plthijinx: There is a Spec's near my place. I think I'll check that place first and if it doesn't carry anything nice, maybe I'll check out the locations you mentioned. They're not far for me to go either.
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