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Old 01-13-2011, 01:04 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Unfortunatley too many only see black and white, monolithic governments with one totalitarian leader, and other Limbaugh style logic. China is a far more interesting, confusing, complex, and serious set of forces. For example, what are China's strategic objectives? Long before answering China's military developments, one must have answers to that far more important question.
You have hit the nail on the head, TW. If we understand China's strategic objectives, the reasons for China's actions will become clear.

China has not developed the stealth bomber just so they can flip the US government the bird.

Historically, China has always been xenophobic. In more recent times the atrocities visited upon China by Japan in WWII and now the terrorist attacks of 9/11 have ensured that China is highly mistrustful of other nations.

It is important for the Chinese goverment to overcome forces for separatism, extremism, and terrorism which are rampant in some parts of China and which challenge both China's economic prosperity and government stability.

China would also like to develop oil markets for itself in Central Asia and other regions. This has become even more important due to poor Chinese-Russian energy relations.

As far as being able to obtain the necessary materials to produce highly destructive weapons, that's a global problem, not just a Chinese one.
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