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Old 01-09-2011, 12:26 PM   #28
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Houston, TX
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Originally Posted by monster View Post
I do each eye with each hand. for both. But I'm getting the feeling I'm odd. again.
Yes, you are! I'm just kidding. I use my right hand for both jobs. As for the tip of the mascara, after I put it on with my right hand, I use my left hand to stroke the tip to the inside of the eye side. However, I hardly wear mascara. Not sure why but I get raccoon eyes extremely easy, even with waterproof mascara! I usually just curl my lashes and set it with the brow set. If I feel like being more made-up, I would draw a thin line on the lash.

As a funny story to how dunce I am about putting on make-up, yesterday I decided I looked too pale so I put on some blush. At the shopping center later in the day, I was pulled into this beauty boutique. The lady was blah blah blahing on about skin care and what's good for my skin and stuff. Then she showed the powder cream that I should use to cover my age spots. She put it on my left cheek. I told her I have the blemish balm(one of the products she was trying to sell) on. She said, "But your right cheek is a little red, see how the left cheek is covered nicely?" I looked into the mirror. Rather than being embarrassed, I laughed out loud and told her that's because I put on blush. My cheek looked flushed rather than having that nice glow a woman hopes to achieve with blush. I think my sister was embarrassed for me. So, I told the saleswoman to put some of her powder on my right cheek so my face would look even.
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