Thread: WikiLeaks
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Old 12-14-2010, 02:10 AM   #8
Urbane Guerrilla
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Why do you conventiently [sic] forget those who intentionally outted [sic] Valerie Plame only for a political agenda? That was far worse than what Wikileaks is doing.
Those of us who are not wackos, nor extremists -- i.e., not tw -- note that nothing in revealing Valerie Plame's employer and line of work would have shut off sources of information/intelligence. It is the professional standard in intelligence work that you never ever ever compromise your sources or your methods -- I worked in that field, back in the day. Let enemy counterintelligence work to compromise your source; never hand it to them.

Nor was there really any "only a political agenda" about it. Consulate staffer Wilson was no one's idea of a professional intelligence gatherer, and indeed he had never done anything of the kind in the logistical and embassy-admin work he had done up until then. The whole of his endeavor, beginning to end, was to make some appointments with some officials in Niger -- who told Wilson exactly what they wanted Wilson to hear about yellowcake and yellowcake inquiries. Plame pulled some strings to get her husband Wilson to be the one to take the trip.

No, tw, your anti-Republican prejudices continue to blacken your soul, dim your mind, and screw your writing. If you were any worse, you'd torture puppies -- in the womb, you horrid stumblefuck and sexual undesirable.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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