Thread: WikiLeaks
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Old 12-13-2010, 12:06 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
Also, if you think that wikileaks has exposed a demolishing of core values I am very curious of what you consider American core values.
I'm not even gonna respond to the first part of your post, its pretty low.

Re: the part i did quote, try freedom for one.
For an American to have a glimpse of freedom, he's gotta compare it to a third world countries.
America is full of bars, re: information, speech, expression, demonstration, even in race, religion.
Not comparing the USA to a third world country, what freedom is it exactly that Americans feel they have?
(I could insert hundreds of youtube clips to demonstrate the lack of freedom in the USA, but hopefully you've seen at least some of them to get my point)

Americans believe they have the freedom to chose who runs the country, and yet, regardless of which puppet takes over, its the same people/families/companies that call the shots.

Generally, Americans have this core belief that the USA is the good guy in their foreign affairs, when it is pretty clear that its quite the opposite.

An American, even today, maintains the belief that his/her country, is rich, when the numbers don't actually agree.

An American today, believes that his/her country has some kind of power hold in the world, when in fact, the nation's future can be described in realistic terms, as a pan-handler amongst the worlds nations.

These realities the USA now faces, were pointed out by America's own forefathers who saw this day coming, and warned future Americans of the results we now see unfolding.(Check George Washington, Thomas Jefferson)

Do not mistaken my comments as a generalization of Americans, rather the majority.
I'm well aware that there are several Americans who are aware of the facts, but hold no power to lift the people up to overturn the path, due to the fact that America has failed to up-hold the base of the second amendment..... the original purpose of the amendment has been lost into impossibility.
The foundations of the country were solid, and yet, they have not been held in tact.

Wikileaks has provided just the tip of the truth.
I advise to look beyond commentary on the subject, and focus on the hard evidence that's to come.
pls stfu k thx
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