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Old 12-10-2010, 07:26 AM   #5
Jim Spaza
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Originally Posted by freshnesschronic View Post
tangent: Why do the KKK burn crosses again?
According to their beliefs, they are not burning the crosses. They are "lighting" them to shine the teachings of Jesus Christ to all the world. That the cross itself is consumed is irrelevant.

Originally, the KKK was not a racist organization. And some KKK organizations today still are not. Some actually have black, hispanic, and asian members.

Originally, the KKK was created as a vigilante group to police their own towns and were used extensively when the real police and courts could do nothing about lawbreakers and criminals.

For example, if a man beat his wife and the police could do nothing, then the KKK would light a cross in the guy's front yard as a warning. If that warning went unheeded, then the KKK would take the guy out into the woods and explain the nature of the problem to him.

It originally was NOT about racism. It was about law and order. The fact that some (most?) KKK groups today are racist doesn't change this historical fact.

(I'm not a KKK member. I just like accurate history to be taught.)
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