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Old 12-04-2010, 08:07 PM   #15
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by monster View Post
turkey bacon, veggie burgers... whats the point? ugh. And don't even consider turkey burgers -even the cats wouldn't eat them. and they eat all sorts of unidentifiable nasties.....
I agree with you on the turkey burgers, but if you put enough nitrates and salt into turkey bacon, it tastes just like the real thing.

I was used to my other brand of turkey bacon, so I put some olive oil in the pan to make up for the usual lack of fat. I didn't need to worry, this brand was thick cut and they must have some pretty fat turkeys, because it was just as fatty as pork bacon. Pretty good.

I took pictures, but the camera is downstairs.

According to this site, out of the 45 calories in a single slice, 20 calories is fat. Bless them.
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