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Old 11-27-2010, 11:17 PM   #11
Big McLargeHuge
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: california, USA
Posts: 203
pretty much cruising, light camping, and occasional cargo hauling for a) projects and b) moving house are my plans for the beast.

the bulkhead divider definitely can, and will, come out; it's just a matter of going out there with a ratchet and removing the annoying thing. not only will the walkthrough be nice but the extra visibility of not having to look through the grate in the rear-view would be nice.

i actually want to get some cheap carpet back there so it's not just the slick polymer floor-coating; any recommendations for how to anchor it down (preferably in a way that's removable later)? i'm also considering some insulation for the back walls to dampen the sound, and maybe a bit of paneling, but that's down the road a bit.

no disco balls or shag carpet, but a place to chill out a bit is also what i'm after. i'm out and about a lot a lot between school and other activities. debating how to run a power system to the back, too. and getting a bit of ham radio gear in there.

not so much "shaggin'-wagon" as "nerd-wagon", i'm afraid.

edit: having re-read my previous post i already asked half of what i just said and am just repeating myself. i am clearly too tired to be on the interwebs tonight, but any further thoughts or ideas are welcome.

Originally Posted by ZenGum View Post
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Seriously, though, what are your plans for the van? Courier, tradesman's van, or camping / cruising / shaggin-wagon?

I have no advice about installation, but having had a campervan, I would say that being able to walk through from the front to the back is highly desirable. Out with the safety grille, if that makes this possible.

Last edited by sad_winslow; 11-27-2010 at 11:19 PM. Reason: enhance. enhance. enhance.
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