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Old 12-16-2003, 08:53 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 7,661
Dude you should hold your head high , you and the other medical personel did what could be done , to the best of your abbilitys with what resorses you had available .
In other words you fought the good fight , it was just dudes time to go .
I have seen more than a few nasty sights in my days , car wrecks , car -v- train , car-v- dump truck ( dump truck was doing 80+ crossed the medium head on ) car -v- 200+ft fall from a cliff ( nice porche , 2 VERRRRRRY dead folks , a friend and I were first on the scene) , jeep -v- roll down a mounitn ( a friend ) , various knife and gun fights that resulted in death .
But the hardest was when i was in the USMC , i was a section leader , we had this verry nice verry quiet dude who never went ANY where on liberty , he gets a call from his brother that has been astranged from the family for MANY years , there is a family reunion and bro is on the way to get him , i made arrangements to cover his guard duty that week end ( I took it ) . While dude and his bro were leaveing the bace a drunk driver squached their car like tin foil , being his section leader i had to go claim his personal affects . that messed with my head for a while .
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. "
Brother Dave Gardner
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