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Old 12-16-2003, 05:48 PM   #12
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Kingdom of Atlantia
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Originally posted by Gwennie!
Enough politics and computers for a while...

What guys look hot?
Keep in mind personality completes the package: My husband. Mel Gibson. Jeff Goldblum. Denzel Washington. George Clooney looks better and better all the time. Scott Bakula. Brad Pitt. Cuba Gooding Jr.

What beauty tips can you share?
If you've never had a facial, get one. One day I was getting my nails done, and I saw they did waxing and facials, so I got the whole thing and my best friend said I looked 10 years younger. And the facial massage felt WONDERFUL. I felt so pampered. Inner confidence makes EVERYONE look better.

Oh, and use conditioner mascara when you aren't wearing the black mascara. As a blonde, I know all about how your eyes seem to disappear if you don't have mascara/eyeliner on, but I found that wearing mascara everyday make my lashes brittle and they broke off, leaving bald patches. So I started using eyelash conditioner, which is clear, when I'm not wearing regular mascara, and I've noticed a big difference.

Where do you like to shop? More !!!
I like mall shopping. Being a girl of the 80's, the mall was the ONLY place to go, and I still go there when I need something specific. Now, I very rarely window shop. I feel that if you have no money, window shopping is just teasing yourself with alllll the great stuff you can't buy.

Of course, give me $1000 and a wal mart, I will shop my ASS off. Wal Mart and the dollar store. mmmmmm.

Some folks said that The Last Samari had too much Tom Cruise. That may have been true, but he was still a hunk.
The last movie I went to the theatre to of the Caribbean. I saw it on opening night in Vegas, and a couple of the stunt pirates were there. It was cool. I won a t-shirt.

Anyone have any experience with Eyelash Tinting? I was thinking about trying that. I don't wear makeup to work, but I do when going out and to parties and such. My skin and hair are light and you can't really see my eyelashes. I was thinking that darkening my eyelashes would look good even without makeup.
My mom does that, and she gets the tattoo'd eyeliner, too, and lipstick. she gets up, brushes her hair and BLAM! she's good to go. I'd do it, but dannnng....I don't want to deal with the pain of needles in my mom says it hurts like a bitch, but you get used to it. Yeah. I'll draw the shit on everyday, thanks.

Last edited by OnyxCougar; 12-16-2003 at 06:07 PM.
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