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Old 11-05-2010, 03:02 PM   #54
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
Join Date: Nov 2007
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This part of a quote on Dailykos really surprised me.

Some of you actually thought that if we just stayed silent, little pesky details of how poorly the Democrats governed might evade the notice of a very angry electorate, who voted for change they could touch and would impact their lives. Instead, we received instead a bunch of possible way down the road IOUs, while Wall Street happily devoured taxpayer money with few or no strings attached.

So not wishing to poke my fist into a hornets nest, despite knowing the lunacy of such pedestrian thinking, I stayed largely silent.

But no longer.

I hope we can also agree that that dopey strategy doesn't win elections. Plenty went wrong, let's agree that, the next Democrats we begin electing will be true Democrats, not the triple and quadruple talking milquetoasters who got their walking papers last night.

I'll leave you with the enormity of the tragedy.

The other day, I read a rather horrifying article in the New York Times about the likely impact of the quantitative easing the Fed has planned for later today. Long story short, many economists don't think it's going to help very much, and it will do little or nothing to help most beleaguered Americans.
From here:

"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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